How to Disable and Re-enable Condition

A condition is automatically enabled as soon as you add it to a column. Sometimes, you may want to specifically exclude (disable) or include (enable) a condition in your query so that you can see the effect the condition has on your results. Instead of removing it completely, you can simply disable it. This topic shows you how to disable a condition and how to enable it when you want to re-apply it.

Disabling a Condition

Re-enabling a Condition

Disabling a Condition

A condition is automatically enabled as soon as you add it to a column. To disable it and view results without the condition applied, do the following:

  1. In the Query Conditions panel, position your cursor on the column whose condition you want to disable.

  2. Slide your cursor to the right until you see this button: .

For example:

  1. Click .

The condition is removed immediately from the column and is no longer applied to the column's data. The text of the condition is grayed out, and this button appears to indicate that the condition is currently disabled: .

You can now run the query to see the effect disabling the condition has on the results.

Re-enabling a Condition

  1. In the Query Conditions panel, position your cursor on the column whose condition you want to re-enable.

  2. Slide your cursor to the right until you see this button: .

  1. Click .

The condition is once again enabled and applied to the column's data.

You can now run the query to see the effect enabling the condition has on the results.



Related Topics

Understanding Query Conditions




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