Fields on the New User Registration Form

An asterisk ( * ) indicates required information.

Step 1: Account Request



Organization *

Select the name of your church or organization from the list.


If your organization is not in the list, it is not licensed to use the ParishSOFT system.

User Name *

Type your username.



  • Length: must be between 5 and 20 characters.

  • Characters: letters and numbers only: A-Z, a-z, 0-9. No spaces or special characters permitted.


The system checks your username to determine whether it is unique. If a name is already taken, the system displays a message to inform you that the username you requested is not available. You need to choose a different name.


After your registration request is approved, you will receive an email containing your login information (your username and a temporary password). Check your Spam or Junk E-mail folder if you do not receive an email response to your request.

Step 2: Personal Information

This information is used to verify your identity in the database or to create a new family record.

First Name *

Your first name.

Last Name *

Your last name.

Nick Name

Your nickname.

Primary Phone *

Your main telephone number in ###-###-#### format.


Requirement: ten digits only.

Birth Date *

Click inside the field and type your birth date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Alternatively, click and select a date from the calendar.

Country *

Select the country you live in.

Address *

Your address (number and street).

City *

Your city.

Region *

Your state or region.

Postal Code *

Your ZIP code or postal code.



  • Numbers only.

  • Length

  • U.S. residents: first five digits only (no PLUS 4).

  • Non-U.S. residents: no limit.

Step 3: Email Address

Current Email *

The system restricts users to one account per email address. Multiple accounts with the same email address are not permitted.

Your current email address.


Requirement: type the complete email address (for example,


After your registration request is approved, the system sends your username and a temporary password to your current email address.

Confirm Current *

Re-type your current email address.


Requirement: type the complete email address (for example,

Prior Email #1

A prior email address helps the system locate your family record.

If you have an email address that you used before the one you are using now, type it in this field.


Requirement: type the complete email address (for example,

Prior Email #2

A prior email address helps the system locate your family record.

If you have an email address that you used before Prior Email #1, type it in this field.


Requirement: type the complete email address (for example,



Related Topics

How to Sign Up for a New Account



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