Sort Criteria Used in the Contribution List Quick Reports

If you filter the records in the grid on the Contribution List page, the system passes the filtered data only to the Today’s Postings and Date Range Postings quick reports. In other words, the quick reports include only the records you see in the filtered grid view. The system also uses the sort-by column and sort order setting selected in the grid as the primary sort criteria for the data in the report.

For example, suppose you filter the records in the grid on the Env #. When you generate a Today’s Postings or Date Range Postings quick report, the system passes only the filtered envelope number data to the quick report. If you also set the sort order on the Env # column in ascending order, the report arranges the contents of the report as specified in the grid: in ascending order by envelope number.

By default, the quick reports use the Posting Date column (Descending) for the primary sort and the Name column (Ascending) for the secondary sort. To change the default for the primary sort, simply select a different column in the grid and specify the desired sort order. The system selects the secondary sort criteria based on your primary sort selection.

The following table lists the columns you can select in the Contribution List grid for the first-level sort and shows the columns the system then uses for the first- and second-level sorts in the quick reports.

If you sort the grid on
this column:

The quick report uses this column for the first-level sort:

The quick report uses this column for the second-level sort:

Posting Date (Ascending)

Date (Ascending)

Name (Ascending)

Posting Date (Descending; default)

Date (Descending)

Name (Ascending)

Env # (Ascending)

Env # (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Env # (Descending)

Env # (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Name (Ascending)

Name (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Name (Descending)

Name (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Amount (Ascending)

Amount (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Amount (Descending)

Amount (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Fund (Ascending)

Fund (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Fund (Descending)

Fund (Descending)

Date (Descending)


Related Topics

How to Create a Contribution Postings Report for a Given Date Range

How to Create a Report of Today's Postings



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