How to Enable ActiveX Controls in Internet Explorer

To use Outlook to send email from within ParishSOFT Family Directory, you need to enable Internet Explorer's ActiveX capabilities. ActiveX is a small piece of software that enables you to use Outlook Web to work correctly.

  1. From Internet Explorer’s Tools menu, select Internet Options.

  2. Select the Security tab. Then, select :

  1. Click to display the Trusted Sites window. Do the following:
  1. Click to add the ParishSOFT URL to the list of trusted sites.
  2. Uncheck Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.
  3. Click to exit the Trusted Sites window.
  1. On the Security tab, click to display the Security Settings – Trusted Sites Zone window. Do the following:
  1. Scroll down to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section.
  2. Under Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting, select Enable:

  1. Click to save the new setting.
  2. Click to the warning message.
  3. Click to close the window.
  1. Close your browser.
  1. Open a new browser window in Internet Explorer and log into your ParishSOFT application.


Related Topics

How to Send an Email Message



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