How to Reset a Staff Member's Password

  1. Click to display the Staff List page.
  2. In the Staff List, select the link under the desired staff member’s name to open his or her staff record.
  3. Select the Assignments tab. Then, click to switch to edit mode.
  4. In the Additional Information panel on the left, complete these steps:
  1. In the Username field, if the username is not indicated, type the staff member's user name.
  2. In the Email Address field, if the email address is not indicated, type the staff member's email address.
  3. Click .

You are prompted to reset the password.

  1. Click to reset.

The system sends an email with a temporary password to the staff member. The staff member is prompted to change the temporary password after logging in to ParishSOFT Family Suite.

  1. Click to exit the staff record.
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