Fields in the Organization Record

The tables in this topic list and describe the fields in an organization's record. You can edit these fields only if you have Add/Edit privileges for the selected organization.

Organization Details

Additional Organization Details

Additional Addresses

Organization Details



Organization Details


Unique Parishes Online (POL) ID number for the organization.

Additional Organization Details

Click the Additional Organization Details link to view additional information for this organization, if provided.

Organization Name

Name of the organization.

Display Name

This feature is planned for a future release.

Alternate name of the organization as it should be displayed in ParishSOFT DDM reports.

Local Org ID

Internal number used by the higher-level organization to identify the organization.

Child Of

Name of higher-level organization.

Organization Type

Type of organization (for example, foundation, high school, or parish).


Region in which the organization resides.


Name of the vicarate or deanery.

PSA Database ID

ParishSOFT Accounting Database ID.  Used by ParishSOFT personnel only.

This purpose of this field is to link the organization's ParishSOFT Family Directory database with the ParishSOFT Accounting database.

Tax Registration #

Organization's Taxpayer ID

Organization Website

Url (web address) of the organization's website.

Parishes Online Alias

Parishes Online website address (user-friendly URL).

Organization Email

Shows the email address of the organization's main contact person. Clicking the email address link opens a window for you to send an email to the organization.


Name of school associated with the organization.

Grade Change Over

For school organizations, the date when students advance to the next grade level.

Cut-Off Date

For school organizations, the cut-off date for enrollment.

Date Last Updated

Shows the date someone last made changes to information in the organization's record.

Primary Address

Additional Addresses Link

Click the Additional Addresses link to view or edit other addresses (for example, business and mailing), if specified, for the organization. You must have Add/Edit privileges to add or change an address.

Address Line 1

Main address of the organization.

Address Line 2

Secondary mailing address of the organization or the suite or apartment number.

Postal Code

Postal or Zip code.


Assigned by the system based on the specified postal code.


Assigned by the system based on the specified postal code.


Assigned by the system based on the specified postal code


Main telephone number of the organization.


Main fax number of the organization.

Expanded Phone #s Link

Click the Expanded Phone #s link to view or edit alternate phone numbers, if specified, for the organization. You must have Add/Edit privileges for the selected organization to add or change a telephone number.

Additional Organization Details

This table lists and describes the information you can view and add to the organization's record. If you want to add or change the organization's details, you must first click .

You must have Add/Edit privileges for the selected organization to add or change an organization's details.



Image Placeholder

Click Add to upload a photograph of the organization's building facilities. The image file must be no larger than 0.5 MB and be one of the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp. The dimensions should be 130 pixels by 110 pixels. Click to locate the file on your computer, open the file, and then click to upload the image.


Click Delete to remove an existing photo.

Organization Mission & Schedule

This section provides six tabs that you can use to enter related text. Select a tab and then type the desired information.

For example, you can type the organization's mission statement on the Mission tab. On the Schedule tab, you can specify the schedule for your worship services or masses.

Pictorial Directory

These checkbox options control the display of Pictorial Directory and its contents:

  • Enable Pictorial Dir: if checked, gives church members access to Pictorial Directory within their My Own Church portal. The Pictorial Directory button is displayed on the Home tab.

  • Show Family Photo: controls the display of family photos in Pictorial Directory. If checked, members' family photos appear in the directory.

  • Show Family Members: controls the display of member photos in Pictorial Directory. If checked, member photos appear in the directory.


The History group provides several pre-defined categories that you can use to record up to find important historical events for your organization. In the Event Date field, you can specify the date of the event. Provide related notes in the Comments field.


This area is reserved for any notes you want to add to the organization's record.

Additional Addresses

Clicking the Additional Address link opens a window where you can view or change edit additional addresses specified for the organization. If you want to add or change an address, you must first click .

You must have Add/Edit privileges for the selected organization to add or change an organization's address.

Edit Link

Clicking the Edit link lets you modify the currently displayed address. Click to save changes.

Add New Address Button

Clicking opens a window where you can add another address for the organization. Complete the fields on the Add New Additional Address form, and then click   to add the address.

Expanded Phone #s

Clicking the Expanded Phone #s link opens a window where you can view or change additional phone numbers, if specified, for an organization. If you want to add or change a phone number, you must first click .

Related Topics

About the Organization Management Page



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