How to Delete a Batch

You can delete batches from your database. However, be aware of the following restrictions:

       You must have View plus Delete access rights tied to your login credentials. If you do not have permission, the Delete button is disabled.

Access rights are assigned in the Administration module. Access to this module is restricted to organization administrators only.

       You can delete a batch only if its status is Open.

       You can delete a committed batch if it contains no contributions.

       You cannot delete a batch if it currently has pledges associated with it.

       You cannot delete a batch if it currently has contribution records associated with it.

  1. Click to display the Batch Management page.

  2. If you manage several organizations, select the desired organization from the Organization list.

You see only those batches associated with the funds you have access to.

  1. If desired, filter the list of batches by selecting one of the Status menu options.

  2. Check the box to the left of each of the batches you want to delete.

  3. Click .

This button is disabled (dimmed) if you do not have Delete permission assigned to your login credentials.

You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

  1. Do one of the following:


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