How to Assign Fund Permissions to Your Staff

To fulfill their Offering responsibilities, staff members need to be able to access the funds they work with. Fund permissions is an feature that helps administrators secure the integrity and confidentiality of fund data by enabling them allow staff to access the funds they need to work with.

This topic shows you how to grant staff access to funds. Specific rights that enable staff to perform fund-related tasks, such as editing or deleting a fund, are separately set in the Administration module.

To assign fund permissions, you must have organization administrator privileges assigned to your login credentials.


Granting or Removing a Specific Staff Member's Permissions for a Fund

Granting or Removing Access Permissions to a Fund

Granting or Removing a Specific Staff Member's Permissions for a Fund

Use the following procedure to grant individual staff members access to your organization's funds.

  1. If you manage several organizations, select the desired organization from the Organization list
  2. Click to display the Fund Management page.
  3. Click .

The Manage Fund Permissions window is displayed.

  1. At the top of the window, select the Manage by Member link.

The staff members who have login rights are listed in the Members list on the left, as shown in the following:

  1. From the Members list, select the member for whom you want to assign permissions.

The information reloads. In the Funds list, the funds that the selected member currently has permission to view are checked.

  1. Do the following:
  1. Click to save your permission settings for this member.
  1. Do one of the following:

Granting or Removing Access Permissions to a Fund

When you add a new fund, you can use this procedure to grant one or more staff members access to the fund.

  1. If you manage several organizations, select the desired organization from the Organization list
  2. Click to display the Fund Management page.
  3. Click .

The Manage Fund Permissions window is displayed.

  1. At the top of the window, select the Manage by Fund link.

The funds in your organization are listed on the left side of the window, as shown in the following:

  1. From the Funds list, select the fund you want to grant permission to access.

The information reloads. In the Members list, the names of staff who currently have permission to access the fund are checked.

  1. In the Members list, do the following:
  1. Click to save your permission settings for the selected fund.
  1. Do one of the following:


Related Topics

About the Fund Management Page


About Fund Permissions and Access Rights



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