How to Make and Save Notes About a Class

  1. Click to display the Classes page.
  2. In the left panel, select the Class List tab. Then, complete the following:
  1. From the Term list, select the term.
  2. From the View By list, select Class to view a list of classes in the selected term.
  3. Select the desired class from the list.

The top of the right panel shows the name of the selected class.

  1. To create notes about the class, complete the following:
  1. At the bottom of the right panel, select the Notes tab.
  2. Click to open the Notes window.
  3. Type your notes in the text field. If desired, use these formatting buttons to modify the presentation of your notes:
  1. Click .

This notes icon is added to the Records subtab (on the Attendance tab) to indicate that a note is in the class record: .

  1. To view the text of the note, click .


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