How to Create Mailing Labels

This topic shows you how to create mailing labels. Use this report to create labels for mailing information to students and leaders.

Creating Mailing Labels

Mailing Label Configuration Options

Creating Mailing Labels

  1. Click to display the Religious Education Reports page.

  2. In the left panel, select the  Mailing Labels option to display the report setup:

  1. In the right panel, select the desired options to configure the report. For descriptions of the report options, go to the table in this section: Mailing_Label_Configuration_Options.

  2. Click .

The report opens in the Report Viewer where you can save, print, or export it. For instructions on using the Report Viewer, go to How to Print, View, and Save Reports.

Mailing Label Configuration Options

The table below lists and describes the options available to configure mailing labels.



Data Options

This section includes options that determine label content.


Individual Labels: produces one label for each selected individual (student or leader).

One Label per Family (default): produces one label per family (based on selected classes).


You can produce labels for students or leaders. Select the desired recipient group:

  • Students (default): extracts data from your student records.

  • Leaders: extracts data from your leader records.

Recipient Line

(available only if the Grouping option selected is One Label per Family)

Select how the recipient line should display on the label:

  • Family Formal Salutation (default): uses the family's formal salutation (for example, Mr., Mrs., Dr.) as specified in the Family Details record.

  • Family Formal Mailing name: uses the family's formal mailing name as specified in the Family Details record.

  • Family Informal Mailing Name: uses the family's informal name as specified in the Family Details record.

  • Oldest Child: uses the name of the oldest child in the family as the recipient.

  • Youngest Child: uses the name of the youngest child as the recipient.

Address Lines

Uses family mailing address as specified in the Family Details record.

Sorting Options

This section includes a pre-defined option that defines the sequence in which the information in the report is presented.

Primary Sort

(default) Prints labels in A to Z order by last name.

Page Setup

This section includes a pre-defined option that defines the label publication.

Page Template

Uses Avery Label Template 5160.

Select Classes

Provides options that let you choose the classes to include in the report.


Lists all terms in your program. Select the desired term from the list.


The system shows you the start and end dates of the selected term along with the number of classes and students currently enrolled in the term.


These options specify how you want to view classes in the report:

  • All Classes in Term (default): includes all of the classes in the selected term.

  • By Grade(s): for the selected term, organizes the list of classes by grade. If you select this option, you must additionally select the grades to include.

  • By Session: for the selected term, organizes the list of classes by session. If you select this option, you must additionally select the sessions to include.

  • By Day of Week: for the selected term, organizes the list of classes by day of week. If you select this option, you must additionally select the days of the week to include.

  • By Department: for the selected term, organizes the list of classes by department. If you select this option, you must additionally select the department.

  • Selected Classes: for the selected term, select the classes to include in the report. If you select this option, a list of classes is displayed. Click to add the class to the Selected Classes list.


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