How to Merge Values In Family Directory Lookup Tables

Sometimes you may have two distinct lookup values that describe the same information. In this situation, it makes sense to combine or merge those values into one. This topic shows you how to merge two values in a Family Directory lookup table into a single value.

You must have Diocesan Admin access rights assigned to your login credentials to merge lookup values.

  1. Click   to display the Lookup Management page.

  2. In the Tables panel, select the desired Family Directory table.

  3. In the Merge Lookup Values section at the top of the right panel, do the following:

When a lookup values is created, it is assigned a unique ID by the system. You can find this ID in the Lookup ID column in the grid.

  1. Type the Lookup ID value of the lookup you want to keep in the Permanent Lookup ID field.

  2. Type the Lookup ID value of the lookup you want to merge in the Duplicate Lookup ID field.

The Merge button is activated.


Be careful. After you click the Merge button to combine lookup values, you cannot undo the merge.

  1. Click .

The system prompts you to confirm the merge.

  1. To proceed, click .

The system does the following:

  1. If you received an error, fix the problem. Then, retry the merge.

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