How to Create a Notifications Quick Report

This topic shows you how to create a report containing specific details about the notifications received by your organization. This report can be used to monitor changes made to family records in the organizations you manage.

  1. Click to display the Notifications page.

A notification appears in the grid on this page whenever any one of the following events occurs:

  1. Select one of the Read filter options to determine which notifications are included in the report:

  1. Click to open the Quick Reports menu. Select the Notification Reports option.

The Notifications report opens in the Report Viewer. The report shows the date of the change, the name of the organization initiating the change, the type of change made, and the details of the change.

Following is an example of the Notifications report. The report shows the following:

  1. Use the controls at the top of the viewer to page through the report (if it contains multiple pages), and to save or print the report.



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