How to Delete a Person from a Team

  1. Click .

The Minister/Member Teams window is displayed. For example:

The organization associated with your ParishSOFT login credentials automatically appears in the Organization list.

The Available Teams section on the left lists all of the teams created for your organization.. When you select a team from the Available Teams list, the name of the team and information about the team is displayed at the top of the right panel. The grid in the bottom-right panels lists individual team members or ministers on the team you selected.  

  1. Select the desired team from the Available Teams list.

The content reloads, and individuals on the selected team are displayed in the Members or Ministers list on the right.

  1. To remove an individual from the team, select the checkbox to the left of the person's name. Then, click .

A message is displayed to inform you that the individual you selected was deleted from the team.

  1. Click .

You return to the Minister/Member Teams page. The individual is no longer listed as a member of the selected team.



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