How to Edit Details in a Member Team's Record

This topic shows you how to edit a member team's record. If you want to edit a minister team's record, go to How to Edit Details in a Minister Team's Record.

  1. Click  .

The Minister/Member Teams page is displayed. For example:

The organization associated with your ParishSOFT login credentials automatically appears in the Organization list.

The Available Teams section on the left lists all of the teams created for your organization.. When you select a team from the Available Teams list, the name of the team and information about the team is displayed at the top of the right panel. The grid in the bottom-right lists individual team members or ministers on the team you selected.  

  1. If necessary, select the organization whose records you want to work with.

  2. In the Available Teams list, select the member team whose record you want to edit. Then, click to open the Edit Member Team window.

  1. Make the desired changes to the team's record:

An asterisk (*) indicates required information.

  1. Click to save the changes.


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