Batch Details

The table below defines the details for a batch. Refer to this table when you add or edit a batch.

An asterisk ( *) indicates a required field.



Batch Description *

A descriptive name for the batch.

The maximum number of characters allowed is 50.

Fund *

The fund associated with the batch. The default fund is displayed in the list.

Select the fund receiving the batch entries from the dropdown list.


Current status of the batch as one of the following:

  • Open: You can edit the details of an open batch as well as the entries contained in the batch.

  • Closed: You cannot edit closed batch details nor the transactions contained within the batch.

Cash Total *

Total dollar amount of the cash contributions in the batch. Note that contributions to a pledge fund are treated like cash or check contributions.

This field allows no more than two digits after the decimal point. This field also accepts a negative value.

Bank Account *

Bank account receiving the deposits for the contributions in the batch. Select the desired bank account from the dropdown list.

This field appears if your organization is licensed for ParishSOFT Offering and ParishSOFT Accounting.

Date Opened *

The batch creation date.

Date Closed

Date batch was closed. Information-only field.

Typically, the date shown in this field is the same date as the deposit date.

Cash Balance

Information-only field.

The cash total amount in the batch minus the total amount of posted cash transactions.

Pledge Total

Dollar amount of pledges included in the batch.

This field allows no more than two digits after the decimal point.

Transaction Count

Total number of entries in the batch. Entries include pledges, payments, and contributions.

When you create a new batch, a zero (0) is displayed in this field. The system automatically keeps track of the transactions you enter and displays a count in this field.

Batch Type

Type of batch. You must define the type of the batch as one of the following:

  • Detailed Posting: select this option if you have multiple contributions or pledge payments to enter but you want to record greater detail for each contribution than you do for quick entry posting.   

  • Quick Entry Posting: select this option if you have a workflow that requires you to enter many contributions and you want to enter them quickly into the system. If you select this option, you must use the Quick Entry Posting process to enter contributions. That process uses a batch entry form optimized for quick data entry and for reducing data entry errors.

Date Opened *

The batch creation date.

Pledge Total

Dollar amount of pledges included in the batch.

This field allows no more than two digits after the decimal point.

Pledge Balance

Information-only field.

Total dollar amount of pledges minus the dollar amount of pledges already entered into the batch.

Batch ID

System-generated ID for the batch.

Date Closed

Date batch was closed.

Typically, this date is the same date as the deposit date.

Transaction Count

Total number of entries in the batch. Entries include pledges, payments, and contributions.

When you create a new batch, a zero (0) is displayed in this field. The system automatically keeps track of the transactions you enter and displays the number in this field.

Batch Owner

Name of the individual who created the batch.

Deposit Date

This field applies to batches associated with the ParishSOFT Offering to ParishSOFT Accounting integration only.


Specifies the date that all monies in the batch will be deposited into a bank account in the ParishSOFT Accounting system.


Specifying a deposit date is optional. Be aware that if you do not specify a date, the system uses the date the batch was closed as the deposit date entry in the ParishSOFT Accounting system. If you do not specify a date, you can enter a past date, today's date, or a future date. The date you enter, however, must be on or after the opening date of the bank account receiving the deposit and, if that account is closed, prior to its closing date.


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