Many donors make anonymous contributions to avoid recognition. Loose cash gifts that are collected through the offering plate or donated at special events and services are also considered anonymous donations. The procedure below provides a way for you to post anonymous and "loose cash" contributions into your system.
Posting Anonymous Cash Contributions
The application requires that you credit all contributions to a donor. Therefore, before you can post your loose cash contributions, you need to create a non-existent family record in Family Directory. You can assign this family any name you want. For example, you can give the family the last name of "Cash" (for example, "Loosey Cash", "Johnny Cash", or something similar).
you want you can also assign the "Loose Cash" family account
an envelope number. You can then input contributions by envelope number
instead of by last name. Use an easy-to-remember envelope number or a
number that is outside of the range of envelope numbers you use in your
You also need to have one or more funds set up to receive your loose cash contributions. If you need information on adding a fund, see How to Add a New Fund.
After you create the non-existent family in Family Directory and have your funds set up to receive these types of contributions, you can post them using the instructions below.
If you are using Internet Explorer, the Enter key behaves like the Tab key. That is, you can press the Enter key to move from field to field in the form, and then finally move to the Save button where pressing Save enables you to post the contribution.
If you are using Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari, the Enter key does not behave like a Tab key. When working in those browsers, you must press the Tab key to move from field to field in the form, and then click Save to post the contribution.
By default, the application assumes you are ready to post and that you are posting by envelope number. Therefore, the starting point for the cursor is in the Env # field (in the Posting section).
If you assigned the "Loose
Cash" family an envelope number in Family Directory, you can post
by envelope number.
You are now ready to post. Do one of the following:
In supported browsers, you
can use the Tab
key or the Enter key to advance
the cursor from one entry field to the next.
If you are posting by envelope number, type the "Loose Cash" family's envelope number in the Env # field.
If posting by last name or Family DUID, tab to the Post To field and type the last name or Family DUID. Select the donor from the Post To list.
The cursor advances to the Amount field.
About the Contribution Posting Page
How to Set Up the Contribution Posting Filters