You can either post the contributions and pledge payments using the donor's envelope number or using the donor's last name or Family DUID. Follow the instructions that fit your fit your particular preference or circumstance.
Posting By Last Name or Family DUID
If you are using Internet Explorer, the Enter key behaves like the Tab key. That is, you can press the Enter key to move from field to field in the form, and then finally move to the Save button where pressing Save enables you to post the contribution.
If you are using Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari, the Enter key does not behave like a Tab key. When working in those browsers, you must press the Tab key to move from field to field in the form, and then click Save to post the contribution.
The cursor is positioned in the Env # field (in the Posting section).
The application "remembers" the filter settings from your last posting session. If necessary, set the posting defaults and options to match your postings for the current session.
Make sure that the Batch option (in the Default Posting Data section) is set to None.
Be sure to leave the Input By option (in the Posting Options section) set to Envelope Number.
You are now ready to post a contribution or pledge payment. Complete these steps:
In supported browsers, you
can use the Tab
key or the Enter key to advance
the cursor from one entry field to the next.
Type the family's envelope number in the Env # field.
Tab to the Amount field.
Verify that you selected the correct donor by checking the donor information in the Post to Preview section on the right.
In the Amount field, type the dollar amount of the contribution or payment.
In the Check Number field, type the check number.
For thorough record keeping, note any details about the contribution in the Memo section.
Click to post the contribution
or payment.
Repeat Step 4a - 4g for each contribution or payment you are posting.
The cursor is positioned in the Env # field (in the Posting section).
The application "remembers" the filter settings from your last posting session. If necessary, change the filter settings to match your postings for the current session. Make sure that you set the Input By option to Name or ID.
You are now ready to post a contribution or pledge payment. Complete these steps:
In supported browsers, you
can use the Tab
key or the Enter key to advance
the cursor from one entry field to the next.
(optional) Select a posting date. (The date picker defaults to the previous date selected.)
Tab to the Post To field and (depending on the Input By setting selected) type the last name or Family DUID. Then, select the donor from the Post To list.
If the donor has a pledge associated with the fund, the pledge number automatically displays in the Pledge list. The cursor advances to the Amount field.
In the Amount field, type the dollar amount of the contribution or pledge payment.
For thorough record keeping, in the Memo section, record any details about the payment.
Click to post the contribution
or pledge payment.
Repeat Step 4a - 4e for each contribution or payment you are posting.
Back to Basic Workflow Diagram
About the Contribution Posting Page
How to Set Up the Contribution Posting Filters