How to Post a Non-Cash (Soft Gifts) Contribution

If your organization accepts contributions for non-cash items, such as household items, clothing, and automobiles, you can post the cash value of those contributions into your system. The cash value is the fair market value (the price a typical buyer would actually pay) of the item at the time it is donated.

Before You Begin

Before you can post non-cash contributions, you need to set up a fund for the special purpose of managing donations of non-cash or soft gift items. If you do not already have a fund created, go to How to Add a New Fund to create the fund. Then, return to this topic to enter the non-cash contributions into your system.


Internet Explorer Users

If you are using Internet Explorer, the Enter key behaves like the Tab key. That is, you can press the Enter key to move from field to field in the form, and then finally move to the Save button where pressing Save enables you to post the contribution.

Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari Users

If you are using Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari, the Enter key does not behave like a Tab key. When working in those browsers, you must press the Tab key to move from field to field in the form, and then click Save to post the contribution.

Posting a Non-Cash Contribution

In supported browsers, you can use the Tab key or the Enter key to advance the cursor from one entry field to the next.

  1. If you manage several organizations, select the desired organization from the Organization list.
  2. Click . Select the Detailed Posting option to display the Detailed Posting page.

By default, the application assumes you are ready to post and that you are posting by envelope number. Therefore, the starting point for the cursor is in the Env # field (in the Posting section). You can choose a different starting point by clicking in any editable field.

The application is designed to help you efficiently perform the tasks necessary to record contributions. Therefore, it "remembers' the settings from the previous posting session and uses them to set default filters, posting data, and options.

  1. The application "remembers" the filter settings from your last posting session. If necessary, set the posting defaults and options to match your postings for the current session.

  1. You are now ready to post the non-cash contribution. Do the following:

The cursor advances to the Amount field.

  1. Type the dollar amount (cash value of the non-cash contribution) in the Amount field.

  2. For thorough record keeping, record significant details about the contribution in the Memo section.

  3. Click to post the contribution.


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