How to Process a Check Returned for Non-sufficient Funds

Unfortunately, at some point, you may receive a contribution from a check that is later returned by the bank due to non-sufficient funds (NSF). In such situations, you can correct the mistake by reversing the transaction. This topic shows you how.

Reversing an NSF payment is a two-step process. First, create a batch that contains the NSF amount. Then, post the batch to reverse the original payment to the fund.

Step 1: Create a Batch for the NSF Amount

  1. If you manage several organizations, select the desired organization from the Organization list.

  2. Click to display the Batch Management page.

  1. Click .

The Create new batch window is displayed. The Fund field defaults to the last fund selected. The Date Opened field defaults to today's date.

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field. See Batch_Details for descriptions of the fields.

  1. Do the following:

Following is an example of the information in the setup for an NSF batch:

  1. Click .

A confirmation window opens. In the window, a message is displayed to let you know that the batch was created and enable you review the details of the batch. Note the negative amount is shown in the Cash Total field:  

  1. Verify the details of the batch. Then, do one of the following:

The batch is added to the Batch Management page. Note that the Cash column displays the reversal amount in parentheses (to indicate that it is negative).

  1. You are now ready to post the batch that contains the reversal amount. Go to Step 2.

Step 2: Post the Batch

In supported browsers, you can use the Tab key or the Enter key to advance the cursor from one entry field to the next.

  1. Click . Select the Detailed Posting option to display the Detailed Posting page.

The cursor is positioned in the Env # field in the Posting section.

Note that the settings in the Batch Information, Posting Filters, Default Posting Data, and Posting Options fields all default to the last selections you made for these fields. You may need to go back to change these selections for this transaction.

  1. In the Posting Filters section:

  1. In the Default Posting Data section:

  1. In the Batch list, select the batch containing the reversal amount (the one you created earlier in Step 1. Create a Batch for the NSF Amount).

The Batch Information section updates to show you the details of the batch you selected.

  1. In the Fund list, select the fund the original contribution was made to.

  1. In the Payment Type list, select the payment method used for the original transaction.

  2. In the Posting Options section, select whether you are posting the payment reversal to a family or member. Then, indicate how you want to search for the donor (for example, by name or by envelope number).

You are now ready to post the payment reversal.

  1. In the Posting section, complete the following:

  1. In the Posting Date field, select the date of the original posting.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. Tab to the Amount field. Type the dollar amount of the adjustment. For example, $-100.00.

  1. In the Check Number field, record the check number if the original payment was made by check.

  2. For thorough record keeping, in the Memo section, record the reason for the transaction. For example, "NSF Check 201".

The following illustration shows you an example of a posting for a check returned for non-sufficient funds:

  1. Click to post the transaction to reverse the original payment.

The Last Contribution Posted section at the bottom of the page updates to show that the reversal amount was posted. For example:


Related Topics

About the Batch Management Page


About the Contribution Posting Page


Contribution Posting Details




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