Sort Options for the Contribution Statements Report

The sort options in the setup for the Contributions Statements report give you more control over how information in the report is organized and presented. This topic describes the sort options you can select.

The sort options available vary depending on the Report Type option you select: Summary or Detail. The following sections list and describe the sort options you can select for each type of statement.

Sort Options for a Summary Report

Sort Options for a Detailed Report

Sort Options for a Summary Report

The six sort options are listed in the Totals dropdown list in the Sorting section. The following table describes the options.

Sort Option


Amount Ascending

Sorts contribution amounts in order from lowest to highest.

Amount Descending

Sorts contribution amounts in order from highest to lowest.

Date Ascending

Sorts dates in order from least recent to most recent.     

Date Descending (default first-level sort)

Sorts dates in order from most recent to least recent.         

Fund Alpha Ascending

Sorts fund names in order from A to Z.        

Fund Alpha Descending

Sorts fund names in order from Z to A.         


By default, the system sorts the report on the following columns:

       Fund Alpha (Ascending): first-level sort

       Date (Descending): second-level sort

       Amount (Descending): third-level sort

To change the default column used for the first-level sort, select the desired option from the Totals dropdown list. After you select a new column, the system makes your selection the new default. Any future reports you generate continue to use your selection for the default first-level sort until you change it.

The system selects the second- and third-level sort criteria based on the column you select. The following table lists the columns you can select for a first-level sort and the resulting system-generated sort selections:

If you sort on this column
(first-level sort):

The system does a second-level sort on this column:

The system does a third-level sort on this column:

Amount (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Date (Ascending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)

Date (Descending)
(default first-level sort)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Amount (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Amount (Descending)

Sort Options for a Detail Report

The eight sort options are listed in the Contributions dropdown list in the Sorting section. The following table describes the options.

Sort Options


Amount (Ascending)

Sorts contribution amounts in order from lowest to highest.

Amount (Descending)

Sorts contribution amounts in order from highest to lowest.

Check # (Ascending)

Sorts check numbers in order from lowest to highest.

Check # (Descending)

Sorts check numbers in order from highest to lowest.

Date (Ascending)

Sorts dates in order from least recent to most recent.     

Date (Descending) (default first-level sort)

Sorts dates in order from most recent to least recent.         

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Sorts fund names in order from A to Z.        

Fund Alpha (Descending)

Sorts fund names in order from Z to A.         


By default, the system sorts the report on the following columns:

       Date (Descending): first-level sort

       Fund Alpha (Ascending): second-level sort

       Amount (Descending): third-level sort

To change the default column used for the first-level sort, select the desired option from the Contributions dropdown list in the Sorting section. After you select a new column, the system makes your selection the new default. Any future reports you generate continue to use your selection for the default first-level sort until you change it.

The system selects the second-, third- and fourth-level sort criteria based on the column you select. The following table lists the columns you can select for a first-level sort and the resulting system-generated sort selections:

If you sort on this column
(first-level sort):

The system does a second-level sort on this column:

The system does a third-level sort on this column:

The system does a fourth-level sort on this column:

Amount (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)


Amount (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)


Check # (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)

Check # (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)

Date (Ascending)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)


Date (Descending)
(default first-level sort)

Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Amount (Descending)


Fund Alpha (Ascending)

Date (Descending)

Amount (Descending)


Fund Alpha (Descending)

Date (Descending)

Amount (Descending)



Related Topics

How to Create Contribution Statements

How to Create End-of-Year (EOY) Contribution Statements (Paper Versions)


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