How to Create a Sacrament Report

You can create sacramental reports from your organization's database records for the following types of sacraments:




       First Eucharist


To create a report:

  1. If you manage multiple organizations, select the desired organization from the Organization list.
  2. From the Report Type menu, select Sacrament.

A list of sacrament reports is displayed in the Report menu:

Your ability to see sacrament data is controlled by your diocese. If your diocese chooses to hide a specific sacrament, the sacrament does not appear in the Reports menu. If your diocese chooses to hide all sacraments, the Sacrament option does not appear in the Report Type menu. If your diocese removes the restriction to hide a sacrament, the system adds the name of the sacrament back to the Reports menu. If the Sacrament option was removed from the Report Type menu, it is reshown after visibility of any individual sacrament is enabled.

  1. Select the desired sacrament report from the Report menu.

For example, select Baptism to view your organization's baptism records.

  1. In the Report Format section, select a report format option:
  1. Use the date picker to create a report listing the sacraments that took place within a given date range. To display the date picker, click the calendar button in the Start Date and End Date fields, and then select the desired date range.

The default End Date value is set to today's date. The default Start Date value is set to today's date in the previous year.

If you want to create a report for a specific day only, select the same date for the start date and the end date.

  1. Click .

The report is displayed in the Report Viewer. Following is an example of the information contained in a baptism report (Expanded Version):

  1. To print and save the report, see How to Print, View, and Save Reports.


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